United Healthcare Plan G: Old Plan, New Company
Plan G is an increasingly popular Medigap plan, even more so with the announcement of the end of Medigap Plan F. Plan G has been increasing in market share and momentum as a viable alternative to the most common plan, Plan F. Now, one of the largest providers nationally of Medigap plans is entering the Plan G fray. United Healthcare AARP Plan G
United Healthcare Plan G is now being offered in many states, as of 7/1/2017. United Healthcare partners with AARP for Medicare plans, giving them a broad national reach and making them a leader in the Medicare insurance marketplace.
For the last few years, United Healthcare has been one of the few major players in Medigap plans that did not offer a Plan G. They have focused the majority of their Medigap marketing efforts on Plan F and Plan N. However, now that is changing.
United Healthcare currently offers Medigap plans in all 50 states. The United Healthcare Plan G is being offered in 25+ states starting in July. Other states are expected to approve the Plan G rates in the coming months.
What You Need To Know
Keep in mind that all Plan G’s are the exact same – they all provide identical coverage and go by the standardized Medigap coverage chart. Plan G is full coverage at the doctor and hospital, with the exception of coverage of the Medicare Part B deductible (currently $183/year). That is the only out-of-pocket costs that you are responsible for on this plan.
The plan standardization means that you can compare plans from United Healthcare with plans from other companies with the assurance that you will receive the same Federally-standardized benefits.
Likewise, in addition to the coverage being standardized, the way that the plans work is the same as well. All Medigap plans pay claims through the Medicare “crossover” system – this is Medicare’s electronic system for coordinating payments between Medicare and your Medigap plan.
Also, all Medigap plans can be used at any doctor or hospital that takes Medicare, nationwide. So there are no networks with Medigap plans. United Healthcare AARP Plan G
Medigap rates are determined by a variety of factors, including where you live, your gender, and your age. So, it is prudent to compare plans for your specific situation before making or considering a plan change.
United Healthcare AARP Plan G United Healthcare AARP Plan G United Healthcare AARP Plan G United Healthcare AARP Plan G United Healthcare AARP Plan G United Healthcare AARP Plan G United Healthcare AARP Plan G United Healthcare AARP Plan G