It has long been known that exercise benefits the brain through improved vascular health, but scientists are beginning to discover that the benefits could be much more far-reaching. Watch Richard London, MD, Silverado Oak Village Medical Director, explain how exercise may be far more beneficial than previously believed. How Exercise Helps your Body and Brain
Recent studies show an association between higher levels of physical activity and a slowing in cognitive decline and dementia onset. In some cases, an increase in the volume of the hippocampus (where Alzheimer’s starts) was observed. Based on this research, Silverado has made physical exercise a pillar of the Nexus program, which is designed to help defend against the onset and progression of many common dementias. How Exercise Helps your Body and Brain
Exercises that can help your brain include, but are not limited to:
- Walking
- Hiking
- Dancing
- Biking
- Strength training
- Chair exercises
- Zumba
- Ping pong
- Golf
- Swimming
To watch more videos of medical experts discussing ways to keep the brain healthy, visit this page.
How Exercise Helps your Body and Brain
How Exercise Helps your Body and Brain How Exercise Helps your Body and Brain How Exercise Helps your Body and Brain