Senior home care providers practice all sorts of ways to prevent mental aging. Things like keeping an active social life, playing puzzles and logic games, and physical exercise all play a role in maintaining or improving brain function in seniors. Seafood Can Delay Symptoms of Dementia
Cognitive Function Linked to Omega-3 Acids
Seafood has been a focus of mental aging research for decades. This is because seafood is high in a particular type of Omega-3 fatty acid. This fatty acid is one of the key building blocks of your brain. Studies have repeatedly shown that regular consumption of seafood contributes to strong mental health.
But new research from a group of Dutch scientists has added a new piece to the puzzle. In a study focused on different types of mental function, scientists have isolated which kinds of mental activity seafood helps improve.
Over a five-year period, the scientists tested 915 seniors for five mental abilities that are known to decline with dementia, Alzheimer’s, and natural aging. These abilities were:
- Long-term memory
- Short-term memory
- Language skills
- Visual/spatial skills
- Mental quickness.
The study found that seafood specifically slowed down cognitive decline in two of these areas – language skills and mental quickness. What’s more, seafood’s ability to slow mental decline was actually stronger in seniors at risk for Alzheimer’s. Based on the data, the researchers suggested that seniors make an effort to eat seafood at least once a week.
Using Seafood in Senior Home Care
If you act as a senior home care provider for an aging relative, you can help your loved one retain cognitive function by making seafood a part of their diet.
There are many types of seafood rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. Salmon, rainbow trout, and white tuna are some of the types of seafood with the highest levels of docosahexaenoic acid, which is the type of Omega-3 acid used in the above study.
If cooking is part of your role as a senior home care provider, this can make it easier for you to incorporate seafood into your loved one’s diet. Consider making seafood on the same day every week to make it part of your routine. Alternatively, you can keep a log of the meals you make for your loved one. This can also help improve diet in other areas.
Finally, if your loved one has a professional senior home care provider – such as those from Visiting Angels – speak with your loved one’s caregiver about ways to improve seafood intake.
Seafood Can Delay Symptoms of Dementia