growth of women in the workforce which has grown tremendously since 1980 but the main factor is women are inheriting more wealth. As women see their wealth grow, now their need to manage it effectively is increasing as well. However, even with this shift in wealth women tend to not have confidence managing their wealth. Women, Money and Investing
- Less than one in five women invest online
- 44% of women surveyed by WorthFM said they have not been actively involved in investing aside from their 401K
- 65% of women offered a retirement plan through work do not take advantage of their 401K
- The number one goal of women age 55 to 64 is simply to save money
- Only 47% of women say they would be confident discussing money and investing with a financial professional on their own
- 75% of women want to learn more about money and investing
Megan Piedmont, Wealth Advisor
Apriem Advisors
Sources:, Business Insider, Women & Wealth